Professional Interior Remodeling or DIY: Which is more Cost Effective?

Whether you’re a homeowner or someone in charge of managing a commercial or corporate space, one of the things you probably need to do every now and then is refurbish and redecorate your space. When proceeding with such task, one of the things you probably need to take into account is the kind of finances the job is going to take.

Professional Interior Remodeling or DIY:  Which is more Cost Effective

 Professional Interior Remodeling or DIY: Which is more Cost Effective

When it comes to refurbishing and interior remodeling, one of the things you might ask yourself is whether it is more cost effective to hire a professional interior remodeling service or to go DIY.

The interior remodeling industry is worth over 103 billion dollars globally according to statistics. Common sense dictates that the industry would not be thriving in this manner if those hiring such services did not stand to gain from the same.

Technical Skills and Experience

Technical Skills and Experience

Any job requires a degree of technical skill and experience. Interior decoration is no different. The thing with having the right technical skills is that you know exactly what to do and how to do it. Going DIY means you might not get things right in the first try. This can prove to be costly as it would involve re-doing whatever you got wrong from scratch. As a result, you don’t just waste time; you might need to double spend on materials that are used or damaged in your first attempt.

Hiring a professional means whatever gets done is done right in the first go. That way you don’t end up having to double up on material costs.

Material Costs

Interior remodeling requires that you spend a bit on raw materials for construction in any case. The thing about raw material is that if you purchase in bulk or have regular vendors, you can get things for a lot less that you would otherwise.

If you go DIY, you need to procure any and all materials yourself. This means rushing from pillar to post to find the right materials, the right vendors and the right prices for the same. Even if you do, what you pay is standard market price.

A professional interior remodeling service will probably already have wholesalers and vendors lined up from where they procure material on a regular basis at much better prices than you ever could!

The Price of Labor

The Price of Labor

There are certain tasks relating to interior remodeling that might require extra or specialized labor. This could include painters, carpenters, upholstery specialists and other such professionals. Again, if you went DIY, you would have to either perform these tasks yourself or outsource. Outsourcing would mean paying individual fees which would likely add up to a lot.

An interior designer or professional service would mean that labor costs would be part of your overall bill. Further, most of those working would be part of the company or associated with the professional doing the work hence ensuring better prices.


Winding Down

Take into account the amount you would save on labor, material and on avoiding needlessly costly mistakes and re-dos. Also add the fact that a professional would also raise the standard of work. Keeping all this in mind the answer is simple – professional interior remodeling is a lot more cost effective than taking a risk going DIY.

If you’re someone who is set on hiring interior remodeling or furniture services for your home or any other space in NYC, we’d be happy to help!