The Correct Way of Integrating Technology in Interior Design

Nowadays, smart is the only way to go in terms of interior design.

By integrating various forms of technology, not to mention better home design practices, designers are not only simplifying architecture; they’re making them multi-faceted, multi-functional and easy-to-use, all the while keeping things affordable for the average homeowner.

But of course, that’s the path that most proponents of modern home design wanted to take in the first place; a minimalist, functional method that would be free of any bells and whistles that were typically seen in traditional, classic interior design.

The Purpose of Change

Perhaps the need arose more with the economic situation and the resultant need for low-maintenance homes with functional designs. Whatever the cause may be, what we did see was that the industry approached this challenge with gusto, using any technology they could to make things easier for their customer base. And it is this practice that we want to focus on!

Below are just some of the ways that the industry has incorporated various technological advancements in home design.

Smart Homes

Voice activated services, dedicated apps—there are plenty of ways through which you can manage your home with just the touch of a button. Such services can help you control every aspect of home design, such as lighting, heating and security. Additionally, you can integrate other objects such as smart kitchen sinks and worktops to make your life easier.

VR (Virtual Reality) and Augmented Reality

The possibilities for interior design with the help of virtual and augmented reality are almost endless. Many designers and even homeowners have now taken to using these different modes of technology to create a replica of the design they plan to implement, showing clients the different ways in virtual reality, how those plans will look and what changes could be made. And for those clients that want to stick to a budget, this method has helped many from committing certain design faux pas.

3D Printing

Although not as common yet, 3D printing in interior design is set to make waves, mainly by means of furniture production. In the meanwhile, many interior designers are using this technology to build various prototypes of customized designs, using them to perfect any potential mistakes.

For the future, 3D printing is predicted as one of the best sources through which people will be able to get custom designs, quickly and easily.


Rising concerns for the planet’s environment has led many a design experts to create home furnishings that support the concept of green technology. Renewable energy sources, natural lighting, and eco-friendly furniture are just some of the features we have seen so far that factor as elements of green technology.

A Technologically-Sound Home!

For an effective, tech-savvy room design, it’s important that you hire a company that knows its way in the design industry like NYLoft!

As a full-service firm that offers home interior design products and services in New York, we have the experience you need to successfully integrate technology in your home.

For more information, contact us at 212-206-7400.