A Splash of Color: Incorporating Vibrancy in Your Monochrome Apartment

Add a Feature Wall

Black and white might be quite appealing on paper. However, you have to remember that they’re starkly contrasting colors, which when applied in interior design, can come off as cold, sharp and a bit too sterile. This is why designers often add a third (or more) shade, perhaps some showstopper decorations to give the combo a bit more character and personal edge.

How Designers Add Balance in Monochrome Spaces

· Add a Feature Wall

Add a Feature Wall

And no, it doesn’t necessarily need to be red! Features walls tie the whole room together by adding that wonderful splash of color that becomes the focal point of the space. You could indeed go with a contrasting, bold color, but there’s no problem if you want to choose a subtle, soft tone either.

· Incorporate Some Foliage

Incorporate Some Foliage

Flowers, plants, the odd cactus or two—there’s nothing better than a pop of green to bring that black-and-white to life. If you’ve got a green thumb, there are plenty of indoor plants you can add to your living space. Otherwise just go nuts with some artificial flowers and plants!

· Add a Lamp

Add a Lamp

A colorful, whimsical one to be precise! You’ll find plenty of lamps online but if you’d rather go with something ornate, choose an antique lamp with ribbons and beads. Otherwise add a minimalist lamp to the setting.

· Color from the Ground Up

Color from the Ground Up

Carpets and rugs add texture to the room so incorporate some small ones here and there, under a coffee table, or in front of a chair. Use interesting abstract themes and be sure to follow the overall tone of the room so the rug doesn’t look like it was just added without thought.

· Be Artsy

Be Artsy

You don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on art masterpieces. Instead, seek smaller artists and frame their work in elaborate frames. Or add tapestries or wall hangings.

· Get Creative

Get Creative

It’s the little things that count! Instead of going big, incorporate small, decorative objects. Stick with pastel colors and grays, especially for your bedrooms and bathrooms. This’ll add a wonderful special touch.

Contact NYLoft for Assistance!

Aside from offering the very latest designs in furniture for home and kitchen interior, NYLoft also offers full-service remodels and more for homes, commercial and multi-unit projects in New York! Contact us today to have us redesign your home to your exact desires. Call 212-206-7400!

Happy Mind, Happy Home—Using Color Psychology for Your Space

Using Color Psychology for Your Space

Using Color Psychology for Your Space

Your home is your Eden’ is something you must have heard or read a dozen times before. But have you ever stopped to wonder what this statement actually entails?

From a design point of view, we know it means that your home is beautiful, perfect and aesthetically pleasing, mostly because it is designed according to your taste.

However, from a personal point of view, you could say that your home is the one place in your sphere where you can go and feel at peace, emotionally speaking.

As such, when it comes to decorating such a space, it’s crucial that you take all design aspects into account, starting with the basic: color!

Using Color to Create a Healthy Home

Color is more than just an element to support your aesthetic. It is a language, a universal method of expressing one’s emotions, likes and dislikes. In case of interior design, color is the best tool one can use to create a space that truly embodies their taste.

For those new to this concept, here is some information on how they can use color to create an emotionally, mentally-calming space.

¬ Adding Space through Color

Interior designers mostly use brighter colors to open up small spaces. Especially in New York homes, we often see colors like mood blues, turquoise, grays and mint green, even some neon yellow thrown in. The aim is to add a bit of flavor, some vibrancy to the mix to give the illusion that the area can be decorated creatively.

¬ Boosting Intellect through Complex Colors

Complex colors like emerald green, forest yellow, burgundy red and ink-blue—all of these appeal to the more intelligent individuals. For creative study spaces, always go with colors that help you focus and inspire your imagination.

¬ Using Nostalgia for Comfort

Remember the duck-egg blue walls from your grandma’s apartment? Use the same color to paint the walls in your living room. According to color consultants, using familiar colors from one’s childhood reminds them of happier times, and brings back more positive memories.

¬ Calm and Relaxed

Aside from white, designers often use pastels or relaxing shades in bedrooms and bathrooms to create relaxing atmospheres. Since these are your comfort zones, it’s best to stick to blue, green and lavender shades to let your senses relax.


¬ Following Nature

Get the Help You Need!

Nature themes are quite popular in interior décor, mainly because they use the best color combinations. Nature by itself can be quite soothing for the senses. So if all else fails, it’s best to just use nature as your inspiration.

Get the Help You Need!

NYLoft is a fabrication shop in New York. Along with remodeling services, we also provide furniture for kitchen and home interiors.

So use our help! Follow the rules of color psychology and remodel your home to create a comforting living space.

Contact us today at 212-206-7400 and book a consultation!

Small Space, Big Dreams – Styling Your Small Apartment Effectively

Styling Your Small Apartment Effectively

Styling Your Small Apartment Effectively

You are now the owner of a quaint, beautiful abode in New York City and you could not be more proud. In the midst of the bustle of the big city, you have a small slice of heaven that is going to be decorated exactly how you want it.

There’s only one problem though. In comparison to other homes, yours is a bit… shall we say, cozy!

As such, you’re at a bit of a loss as to how you’re going to style it. Don’t worry though! Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And NYLoft is going to present you with that way, six in fact!

1. Think Small

Ditch that long writing desk and once-beloved dining table for something a bit more practical, but small. Instead of a couch, add a love seat or better, have some floor arrangements. Instead of those long, bulky tables, opt for a small, round table with some mismatched chairs or minimalist-style chairs. Discuss your options with us.

Think Small

2. Swap that Bed

Living alone? Switch that awkward, single bed for a day bed. There are plenty of designs available though we can make a custom bed for you as well. Just add some themed pillows, a lamp or two, maybe some foliage. You’re good to go!

3. Be Stingy, just a bit

Don’t stuff your small home with all sorts of furniture. Be a bit stingy and only choose the most essential pieces, like closets and wardrobes, beds, a book case perhaps. NYLoft has plenty of styles to choose form, so you shouldn’t have a problem finding some amazing choices.

Be Stingy, just a bit

4. Make Some Room

Choose contemporary, minimalist furniture instead of kitschy, cozy décor. Not only will this make your living space look clean and stylish, it’ll also open up a world of design choices.

5. Go Neutral

Beige, grey, black, brown – these are the most popular colors in home design, so you’ll find a lot of gorgeous styles in store. Mix, match, and add textures and subtle patterns, but don’t go overboard.

6. Spring Clean

You’ve got the furniture, you’ve got the décor, now’s the time to get some spring cleaning done. There’s nothing worse than awkward clutter stuffed alongside your intricate home décor pieces. Store the keepsakes, and throw those old report cards, projects and other knick-knacks away.

Spring Clean

 Get Ready!

NYLoft can help you achieve your design dreams! As a full service interior design firm in New York, we have the best styles and the services of some highly experienced designers on offer for you!

Contact us at 212-206-7400 and tell us how you’d like to style your home!

Natural Stone Walls – Is it Possible?

Natural Stone Walls

Natural Stone Walls

In a word; yes!

Natural stone for vertical surfaces isn’t exactly a new idea. But it’s still quite dramatic, which is why it’s so popular to this day.

Originally used for flooring and additional detailing, natural stone made its way into wall interior design because more affluent households wanted to add something new to the mix, something that would speak of the luxury that only naturally-obtained stone can offer. As such, we saw marble being used quite excessively, for pillars and beams, showstopper feature walls and more.

In present times though, natural stone isn’t used as much for vertical surfaces. Instead, it is given the star treatment and is utilized for its eye-catching beauty. With a natural stone wall in the room, its luxury isn’t overindulged in. It is presented elegantly, efficiently!

The Understated Beauty of Natural Stone Walls

Stepping away from its aesthetic value, a reason why natural stone is so loved is because of its durability, and reliability in design. From an investment standpoint, natural stone – good quality natural stone – is perhaps one of the most valuable materials you could add to your home. If well-taken care of, natural stone doesn’t lose its beauty with time or its strength, or for that matter, its value.

This however, cannot be said for any component of interior décor.

Beauty of Natural Stone Walls

Which Stone can be used for Interior Décor?

Typically, you’ll see a lot of marble, fieldstone, limestone and brick used for walls. Marble is quite luxurious (and pricey), but it’s also extremely durable and scratch-free. So if you’re thinking of adding a natural stone wall as a long term solution, marble should be your only choice.

Nevertheless, if you want to add a more home-y, cozy look, we’d recommend fieldstone. Available in slabs and in natural bricks, fieldstone has a warm look that’s quite favored by interior designers. Other options you could go with include brick and terrazzo.

Basic Tips before Choosing Your Stone

Here’s what you need to remember:

  • Use the veins in natural stone to create a seamless look. Ask your designer to search for larger slabs of stone from the same vendor.
  • Add color. Never be afraid to go for the bolder choice. Go for contrasts or comparable colors. If you can’t find the exact shade of stone, search for stone that has the same color (or close to) details.
  • Incorporate remnants. Add different shapes and textures to give your walls a unique look.

Choosing Your Stone

Work with NYLoft!

Offering planning and remodeling services in New York, NYLoft can help you get the exact natural stone for your home walls.

To work with us, contact NYLoft at 212-206-7400 and talk to a representative!